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Marian Hossa: “Torres has not received would hit 25 matches, if not a repeat offender”


Forward Chicago Marian Hossa described how its recovery from the concussion that caused him injury player Phoenix Raffi Torres received a 25-match unbeaten run disqualification on set all their violations. 
-I feel better already, but not yet fully recovered. This will require some time. Step by step my condition is improving, and that's a good sign. 
How does this happen? Someone came and hit me, then I remember little. Only a few seconds: remember how saw our doctor, but do not remember, as proved in our locker room. Barely remember what was in the ambulance, and then woke up in the hospital. Then everything returned to normal. 
I guess Torres has not received would hit 25 matches, if not a repeat offender. This punch is not worth 25-match disqualification. 
Torres called me and I told him that I know his style of game. The only thing that frustrates me is that he jumped in the air during a forcible recruitment. If he had not jumped, would not the brunt in the head, and then he got 25 matches, quotes Hossa The Chicago Sun-Times.
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